12" 6 Color Beach Ball Inflate

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
150 $1.31 each
250 $1.24 each
500 $1.20 each
1000 $1.10 each
2500 $0.99 each
  • Alternating panels of white, blue, red, orange, yellow and green
  • Easy to mail when flat!
Nothing says summer fun-in-the-sun quite like an inflatable Beach Ball! They have been used as giveaways at trade shows and at sales meetings; and they are great for any beach themed or pool party event! The possibilities are endless! Easy to mail when flat.

Combine them with our sand toys or any of our other outdoor products for a powerful promotional kit! Call for details!

Beach Balls are measured inflated half from pole to pole.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

18 lbs /250 pcs

Additional Information
Price Includes: 1 Color 1 Location
Imprint Size: 4 x 2 -White Panel